India was previously home to 72 species of indigenous cows. After independence we lost over 65% of them. All that remain are 26 species.The rest are either hybrid or cross breed. Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji is on a mission to preserve the native species and protect them from becoming extinct.
Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji’s Mission
Go:puja & Go:danam
Go:puja means worship of a cow (Go:ma:tha) along with her calf. Go:puja removes hardships of the people and blesses them with peace and happiness. It also enables a person to achieve control over his senses. Go:puja is equivalent to a pradakshinam around the earth, recitation of Vedas and worship of Lord Vishnu.
Go:da:nam means donating a cow (Go:ma:tha) along with her calf. Go:da:nam liberates the donor and his forefathers from the sins committed knowingly or unknowingly in their lives. Go:da:nam is performed when a child is born in the family, during marriage, when a person passes away or in any other auspicious occasion. It bestows heavenly comforts on the donor. Departed souls will be relieved from the hells and from a treacherous river “Viraja” by doing Go:da:nam. The devathas in the cow will take care of the soul. It is equal to the benefits obtained by performing Ra:jasu:ya Ya:ga and donating unlimited amount of gold.
- Go:pu:ja for Rs. 516
- Go:da:nam for Rs. 50,000
- Go:grassam to a cow per 1 year Rs. 25,000
- Go:grassam one day to all Cows Rs. 10,000
- Medical expenses per day Rs. 3,000
- Green grass per day Rs. 1,000
>> Devotees are advised to give us prior notice about go:pu:ja or go:da:nam they wish to perform so that we can make arrangements for the same.
Email: [email protected] , Contact: 9490376824
Presently serving 400+ cows in our Go:sa:las
- Donate Grass for one day – Rs 151/-
- Adopt the whole gosala for one day – Rs: 10,000/-
- Adopt a cow for Rs: 5000/- a month
- Adopt a calf for Rs: 3000/- a month
JIVA Aayu Products (Cow-Based Medicines)

We started manufacturing A:yurvedic products from cow dung and cow urine mixed with some other Ayurvedic herbs in our go:sa:la in 2012 after receiving training at Go: Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra at Nagpur, Maharashtra. Aayu is the brand name of our cow-based A:yurvedic products.
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