Vikasatarangini Karimnagar, Conducted a Veterinary Camp
On 29-7-17, Vikasatarangini – Karimnagar, conducted a veterinary camp, with the support and coordination of Karimnagar Dairy Society.
Adopt a Calf or a Cow…Do GoSeva!
Eshwari from Bangalore adopted a calf on the occasion of Jyesta Purnima with HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's mangalasasanams. Let’s all follow her example.You too can adopt a calf for Rs 3000 a month. Click Here [...]
HH Swamiji visited Go:sa:la
HH Swamiji visited Go:sa:la on 26/04/2017 and fed joggery to all the Cows and Calves.Cow is the mother figure of all beings. Hence Vedas placed the Cow on high pedestal and recommended to worship [...]
105 Cattle Treated in Veterinary Camp Conducted by Vikasa Tarangini
Karimnagar Vikasa Tarangini conducted a veterinary camp on 18th April 2017, at Bhahadurkanpeta (V), Karimnagar Rural Mandalam in Grampanchayat.A total of 105 animals – 79 cows and 26 buffaloes were treated in the camp.
Two Veterinary Camps Conducted In Warangal Dist
Hanamkonda Vikasatarangini conducted two Veterinary camps on 24-03-2017 at Rangasaipet village and 25-03-2017 at Rampur Village. In this camp, a total of 184 cattle were treated and were administered medicines free of cost.
Veterinary Camp Conducted in Lambadipalle, Karimnagar Dist
Karimnagar Vikasa Tarangini conducted a veterinary camp in Lambadipalle Village, Chigurumamidi Mandal, Karimnagar District on 24.03.2017 in association with Karimnagar dairy society. Rs.2,500 worth medicines were sponsored by Vikasa Tarangini Secretary Sriman Yada Kishan Garu and handed to Sriman A.Bhagavan Reddy [...]